Thousands of forex beginners excel in the trading of forex online while using a demo account. Yet only a handful ever gets to open a live forex trading account. The rest simply disappear either after reading broker reviews from bitter traders or when bogged down by the strict account opening conditions set by their preferred brokers.

We are raising the forex scam alert levels in Kenya to code red.
Even after being duped in ponzi schemes like Bullish Trade, and even while the jury on VIP Portal is still out there, Kenyans are still entrusting their forex trading capital to local online forex trading organizations.
Forex Investigator has come across documents showing that a Nairobi based forex Introducing

If any beginner aspiring to be a successful trader of forex used the lens of a pro forex trader, they’d realize that the pros’ view of the forex market is never overestimated or rosy but simply realistic. The beginner would also discover that the pros approach to forex trading entails the simple things that new comers to the forex sphere tend to ignore.
Below are eight tips for successful trading by

Most forex beginners tend to think that it’s all about depositing money with their preferred broker and then starting to trade. How misconceived can that be? Forex beginners are so concerned about making money trading forex that they are self- dispossessed of the

If anything can go wrong -it will. That is the summation of Murphy’s Law. That phrase has an important significance on our bearing as forex traders whether pros or amateurs. Applied to the forex market, it simply means that we can never completely insulate our

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